it has adjustable rear seats 意味

  • 後部座席は背もたれの角度が調節できる


        fold flat rear seats:    
        fold-flat rear seats:    折り畳み後部座席
        primate that has a protruding rear:    突き出したお尻がある霊長類{れいちょうるい}
        into the seats:    《野球》スタンドの中へ
        seats:    {名} : 観客席{かんきゃく せき}、(野球場の)スタンド
        adjustable:     adjustable adj. 調節できる. 【副詞】 It is essential that the operating table should be easily adjustable. 手術台は容易に調節できることが絶対必要だ electronically adjustable 電子工学的に調節可能な vertically adjustable
        rear one's children in a safe environment that has good schools:    よい学校{がっこう}がある安全{あんぜん}な環境{かんきょう}で子どもたちを育てる
        at the rear:    背後に、後部に、後方に、裏に、準備が完了して
        at the rear of:    ~の背後に、~の後部に、~の後方に、~の裏に、~の準備が完了して
        in the rear:    in the rear 後方 こうほう
        in the rear of:    ~の後部に、~の背後に、~の後ろから、~の後ろに、~の後方に、~の裏に、~の裏で、~の裏手の
        rear:     1rear n. 後部, 背後; 《婉曲》 尻. 【動詞+】 bring up the rear しんがりを務める My seat faced the rear of the restaurant, so I didn't see him come in. 私の席はレストランの奥のほうに向いていたので彼が入ってくるのは見えなかった. 【前置詞+】 a r
        the rear:    the rear 後尾 こうび
        to rear:    to rear 養い育てる やしないそだてる 養う やしなう 育くむ 育む はぐくむ 育てる そだてる 育て上げる そだてあげる 手掛ける てがける
        has:    {人名} : ハス


  1. "it has a wider significance" 意味
  2. "it has a withering action on plants" 意味
  3. "it has a world of meaning" 意味
  4. "it has accomplished its historical mission" 意味
  5. "it has achieved a paid circulation of far more than a million" 意味
  6. "it has affected our profits to an alarming degree" 意味
  7. "it has afforded great satisfaction to my husband and family" 意味
  8. "it has all the advantages of a luxury car with none of the disadvantages" 意味
  9. "it has all the appearance of genuine leather" 意味
  10. "it has accomplished its historical mission" 意味
  11. "it has achieved a paid circulation of far more than a million" 意味
  12. "it has affected our profits to an alarming degree" 意味
  13. "it has afforded great satisfaction to my husband and family" 意味

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